Alcohol Detox at Home How to Detox from Alcohol Safely

By : | 0 Comments | On : marzo 1, 2023 | Category : Sober living

how to taper off alcohol

The most severe form of alcohol withdrawal is known as delirium tremens, which develops in about 3 to 5% of people with severe alcohol addiction. Delirium tremens is also more common in people of older age, those with a history of seizures, and people with co-occurring illnesses or disorders. Symptoms of delirium tremens can develop within 48 hours and, in some cases, have fatal consequences without proper treatment. If you are a frequent drinker determined to reduce or stop your alcohol intake, the safest way to do this at home is through a gradual tapering process. Attempting to quit all at once can lead to severe symptoms that can be difficult to manage safely outside of a detox setting.

Tapering Off Alcohol Vs. Quitting Cold Turkey

Because alcohol withdrawal symptoms can sometimes be unpredictable and may escalate quickly, having an on-site medical team that can quickly intervene is the safest way to quit heavy drinking. Little data is available about the safety and effectiveness of alcohol tapers. In contrast, robust evidence supports quitting alcohol while under medical supervision. If you struggle with drinking, the safest way to quit is under a doctor’s care. If you drink heavily, your doctor may recommend quitting with the help of a medical detox center.

  • Alcohol detox medications can make the process safer and more comfortable.
  • Weaning off alcohol can not only dramatically improve the quality of your life, but it can also actually save it.
  • This is especially true if you are suffering from an alcohol use disorder.

Recognize Dangerous Withdrawal Symptoms

how to taper off alcohol

Just as what is a useful method for one person may not be for another, what is a safe method for someone may not be for someone else. This is why it is essential to determine your method of tapering and your tapering schedule with the supervision of a medical professional experienced in an alcohol addiction recovery treatment. However, an alcohol use disorder doesn’t just affect your physical health.

How Do You Safely Taper Off Alcohol?

how to taper off alcohol

If you find it is difficult to prevent yourself from drinking too much and getting drunk, locking your alcohol up in a cabinet and giving your friend or family member the key can help. Although with this method, it is important that the friend or family member is accessible when symptoms of withdrawals such as tremors return. Also, learn to cope with and avoid situations that might cause you to want to drink more. If you are tapering off of alcohol, the time it takes depends entirely on how long the taper is and how well you adhere to it. One of the reasons that medical professionals tend to avoid tapers is that they can be difficult to follow and may be more likely to be unsuccessful than faster options. When you quit alcohol after having developed alcohol dependence, your brain will be thrown into a chemical imbalance.

Avoid loneliness.

Finding a different, more healthy way to unload stress may go a long way in helping someone succeed in cutting back on their alcohol use. Tapering off alcohol involves gradually reducing the amount of how to taper off alcohol alcohol you drink. Besides its positive health benefits, it can help you quit drinking after weeks or months. Alcohol withdrawal is potentially fatal, especially for people with an alcohol addiction.

how to taper off alcohol

Get online support.

Create a Plan

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